Tassie Gnaidy

Digital Humanities for Cyberinfrastructure Coordinator, Research Technologies, Indiana University  

Having written a dissertation on the monstrous female body in early modern England to earn a PhD from the University of California-Santa Barbara, Tassie has now completed an MIS from Indiana University with a specialization in Digital Libraries. While a graduate student she worked as the project manager for the English Broadside Ballad Archive, as a mapping intern at IU’s Digital Library Program, and at the graduate assistant for the IQ-Wall at the Herman B. Wells Library. She was also a HASTAC Scholar for 2012-2013, where she helped to run a forum on Visualization Across Disciplines. Last academic year she focused on some new ventures: the Science on a Sphere installation at Indiana University-Bloomington’s Cyberinfrastructure Building and a course on Virtual Heritage taught by Bernie Frischer in which they digitally reconstructed niobids found at Hadrian’s Villa. You can read about her reconstruction of the South Hall of the Stadium Garden here.
