Following the highly successful model established as part of DHSI, the Digital Humanities Winter Institute runs daily Monday through Friday once each winter. Applicants can select ONE course each institute that best suits their strengths and interests. The curriculum is designed to accommodate various levels of interest from beginner to advanced scholars.

Data Curation for Digital Humanists

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Trevor Muñoz
University of Maryland

Dorothea Salo
University of Wisconsin

Carrying out computational research with digital materials requires that humanists understand how to manage and curate data over its entire lifetime of interest—not only for their own project but [...]

Digital Editions

Dean Irvine
Dalhousie University

This course is designed for individuals and groups who are interested in creating scholarly digital editions. Topics covered will include an overview of planning and project management, workflow and [...]

Exploring Image Analyses

Michael Meredith
University of Sheffield, UK

Exploring Image Analysis will engage participants in image analysis techniques for use within their digital research agendas. Participants will be introduced to fundamental concepts in image identification, manipulation, and [...]

Humanities Programming

Wayne Graham
University of Virginia

Humanities Programming will engage participants in the iterative process of becoming proficient creators of digital scholarship. Participants will gain exposure to the algorithms, data structures and design elements relevant [...]

Large-Scale Text Analysis with R

Matt Jockers
Stanford University

Text collections such as the Google Books have provided scholars in many fields with convenient access to their materials in digital form, but text analysis at the scale of millions or [...]

Project Development

Jennifer Guiliano
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

The Project Development course will explore the fundamentals of project design including, but not limited to: formulating appropriate disciplinary questions for digital humanities research, investigating digital humanities tools and [...]

Publishing and Using Linked Open Data

Richard Urban
Florida State University

The publication of structured knowledge representations and open data on the Web opens new possibilities for collaboration among humanities researchers and cultural heritage organizations. This course will introduce participants [...]

Teaching through Multimedia

Cheryl Ball
Illinois State University

Virginia Kuhn
University of Southern California

Teaching through Multimedia will explore innovative strategies for increasing engagement in the undergraduate and graduate classroom with sound, images, and interactivity. This course explores the interrelationships among technology, culture [...]

Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
University of Maryland Libraries
University of Maryland, College of Arts & Humanities
Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO)

Editing Modernism in Canada

The Graduate Center - City University of New York (CUNY)