Advocacy by Design

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Purdom Lindblad
University of Maryland

Jeremy Boggs
University of Virginia

This course helps participants consider how their own priorities and values shape the research and design of digital work. For us, a digital humanities that practices critical engagement means [...]

Collections as Data

Thomas Padilla
University of Nevada Las Vegas

Mia Ridge
British Library

A growing amount of interest has been dedicated to an emerging orientation to collections referred to as “collections as data”(ex. 1, ex. 2, ex. 3). Generally speaking, work in [...]

Text Analysis

Katie Rawson
University of Pennsylvania Libraries

Scott Enderle
University of Pennsylvania Libraries

This class will examine methods and practices for text analysis. Freely available tools and excellent tutorials have made it easier to apply computational text analysis techniques; however, researchers may [...]

University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
National Council on Public History
Price Lab for Digital Humanities