We are offering a number of special events for attendees at HILT 2015. We are delighted to announce the following:
Monday | 5:00 – 6:00 pm
We like to give HILT attendees an opportunity to share what they’re are working on or thinking about so we’ll be holding an Ignite-style evening of short presentations on Monday, July 27th. Five minutes, 20 slides maximum, all designed to get others excited about an idea, a project, a theory, an experience, or just you.
In keeping with the spirit of Ignite events, we ask that presenters keep these talks short and engaging. Each presenter will have 5 minutes on stage. Each presentation will consist of 20 slides, with each slide advancing automatically every 15 seconds. For more information on the Ignite format, see: igniteannarbor.com/
We will provide laptop, digital projector, and microphone. If you’d like to participate, please email your slides your slides to trevor.munoz@gmail.com, with the subject line “[HILT IGNITE]” no later than 3:00 pm on Monday, July 27.
HILT Social
Monday | 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Staff from the Digital Humanities Cyberinfrastructure Group and Advanced Visualization lab will be on hand to show attendees around the lab. An interactive sphere, visualization cave, large-scale tiled wall display, touch table, Oculus Rift, and hand held scanner for generating 3d models will be on display. Throughout the social, refreshments will be available in the Lobby of the Information Technology Communications Complex.
HathiTrust Research Center Workshops
Sayan Bhattacharyya
CLIR Postdoctoral Research Fellow
HathiTrust Research Center
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Eleanor Dickson
Visiting HathiTrust Research Center Digital Humanities Specialist
Scholarly Commons, University Library
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Workshop 1: Tuesday, July 28 | 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Introduction to the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC): Teaching and research using the power of data and metadata in large text corpora
The HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) will conduct an introductory workshop for researchers and instructors in the humanities, and for librarians, on how to create and use datasets drawn from large-scale textual corpora for the purposes of instruction and research in the humanities. The workshop will introduce the text data which constitute the holdings of the 13.3 million-volume HathiTrust Digital Library (HTDL). The HTRC is engaged in developing innovative analytic digital humanities applications to facilitate the use of this content. The tools and services that are being developed by the HTRC as part of this initiative will be introduced and discussed at the workshop. This workshop will focus on pre-1923 (out-of-copyright) material from the HTDL corpus.
In course of the workshop, attendees will learn, through demonstrations and hands-on use, how to leverage the following resources:
- the HathiTrust+Bookworm tool for plotting lexical trends in text data
- the Secure Hathi Analytics Research Commons (SHARC), an environment for running off-the-shelf algorithms provided by the HTRC.
The workshop will include discussion about strategies for integrating text analytics into traditional courses and curricula in the service of humanistic inquiry.
This workshop is 100% full as of July 8, 2015.
Workshop 2: Wednesday, July 29 | 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Advanced Topics in Text Analysis with the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC)
This workshop session will focus on advanced topics relating to making use of text data at scale through the HathiTrust Research Center’s Extracted Features dataset. A great deal of useful research can be performed non-consumptively with pre-extracted features. This session will demonstrate how users (researchers and instructors in the humanities) can work with the extracted features that are being provided by the HTRC as data exports corresponding to user-defined subcollections that are created by the users themselves.
Workshop attendees will learn how they can follow a non-consumptive paradigm in preparation for conducting analysis against works in copyright. They will also learn advanced skills that build on concepts introduced at the beginners’ workshop session, such as how to repurpose existing algorithms and how to adapt the resources provided to meet research and teaching objectives.
This workshop is 80% full as of July 8, 2015.
Dine Arounds
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday Evening
Is this your first time at Humanities Intensive Learning & Teaching? Are you new to Digital Humanities community? Do you just want to see more of Indianapolis? Join a small group of HILT participants at a local Indy restaurant, to make scholarly connections and begin new friendships.
Dinners will happen Monday, July 27, Wednesday, July 29, or Thursday, July 30, with parties meeting at the selected restaurant. You can sign up on the Dine Arounds page.