Black Spatial Humanities
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Kim Gallon
Purdue University
From its inception, Africana/Black Studies have undertaken the question of space and African people’s ability to traverse and negotiate their right to occupy spaces in Western societies. Historically, Black [...]
Collections as Data
Thomas Padilla
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Mia Ridge
British Library
A growing amount of interest has been dedicated to an emerging orientation to collections referred to as “collections as data”(ex. 1, ex. 2, ex. 3). Generally speaking, work in [...]
Digital Humanities + Latinx Studies: Doing Work that Matters
Carolina Villarroel
University of Houston
Gabriela Baeza Ventura
University of Houston
Digital Humanities + Latinx Studies: Doing Work that Matters explores analog and digital methodologies to create scholarship and knowledge around the experiences of US Latinx peoples. Participants will be [...]
Getting Started with Data, Tools, and Platforms
Brandon Locke
Educopia Institute
Catherine DeRose
Yale University
Starting a digital humanities research project can be quite intimidating. This course is designed to make that process less so by exploring tools and platforms that support digital humanities [...]
Help! I’m a Humanist! — Humanities Programming with Python
Brandon Walsh
University of Virginia
Ethan Reed
University of Virginia
This course introduces participants to humanities programming through the use of Python for data acquisition, cleaning, and analysis. The course assumes no prior technical knowledge and will focus on [...]
Image Analysis with Deep Learning
Lauren Tilton
University of Richmond
Taylor Arnold
Yale University
Image Analysis with Deep Learning will examine methods for image analysis at scale. Tasks covered include color analysis, object detection, facial recognition, image similarity, and image clustering. The course [...]
Introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) for Black Digital Humanities
Jessica H. Lu
University of Maryland
Caitlin Pollock
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Black digital humanities, in the past five years, has become a pivotal field in Digital Humanities for discussing the (digital) lives and experiences of Black people. The Text Encoding [...]
Text Analysis with Machine Learning and NLP
Katie Rawson
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
This course will take up two methods of text analysis for deeper study and exploration: machine learning and natural language processing (NLP). We will delve into two case studies, [...]